鉅亨網新聞中心據中新網報導,中國女乘客李維(化名)3月1日在乘坐維珍航空公司VS250次倫敦飛往上海的航班上,被另一名白人男乘客罵「中國豬」,對於遭受不公正待遇,維珍航空尚未正式道歉。昨(23)日,李維獨家向《環球時報》表示,稱其已委託一家英國律師事務所與維珍航空就其法律責任,及其疏忽的職責進行溝通,不排除最終會告上法庭。以下為李維聲明全文:最近幾天對我來說非常困難,特別是在我被羞辱、歧視和不得不在恐懼中完成整個飛行之後。正如我之前所說,在被另外一名乘客歧視和侮辱,發生衝突之後,我沒有想到我會以這樣的方式被維珍航空的代表對待。不管同行的那位乘客健康狀況如何,我期望維珍航空在處理此類衝突的過程中給予更多的幫助,特別是在飛機起飛前。因此,我已向英國當地律師諮詢。截至今天上午,我已委託一家英國律師事務所與維珍航空就其法律責任,及其疏忽的職責進行溝通。這件事可能最終會上庭,在此我將不做任何進一步的公開評論,關於案件進展我謹以請求所有媒體聯繫我的代表律師,黃精明Jackson Ng律師,來自英國倫敦陳劉律師事務所(Chan Neill Solicitors)。我一直為身為中國人而感到自豪,很欣慰看到許多同胞都對這類性質的事件為之不平和震驚。因此,我也想借此機會感謝所有人對我的支援以及將其發佈的媒體。The last few days have been very difficult for me, especially since the flight where I was humiliated, abused and had to sit through the entire flight in fear。As I previously stated, I did not expect to have been treated the way I did by representatives of Virgin Atlantic after a humiliating racial discrimination and abuse incident by a fellow passenger. Regardless of the fellow passenger's state of health, I expected much more from Virgin Atlantic in dealing with such incidents, especially before the plane had taken off。As such, I have consulted British lawyers and as of this morning, instructed a firm of lawyers to communicate with Virgin Atlantic on the issue of the failings of their legal responsibilities to me。As this matter could potentially end up in a Court of Law, it would be prudent for me not to make any further comments publicly and I would respectfully ask that all media enquiries be directed to my lawyer, Jackson Ng of Chan Neill Solicitors in London, United Kingdom。I have always been proud to be Chinese and glad to see that many people are shocked that something of this nature could happen. Therefore, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have given me support and for publicising this matter。李維日前在社交網站上發表文章,講述了她3月1日搭乘維珍航空VS250次由倫敦飛往上海航班時的這段遭遇。李維稱,當日剛剛登機正彎腰在座位上找耳機時,一名白人男子突然莫名其妙地走向她,用手指著她鼻子惡狠狠地罵她是「中國豬」,讓她「滾出去」。其間,維珍航空的空服人員沒有加以制止,一名叫Nathan Smith的空少之後過來與這名白人男子小聲交談後,反而大聲呵斥李維「不要吵架」,要「尊重其他乘客」,否則就把她趕下「飛機」。當天在同一航班的吳小姐向《環球時報》記者證實了她親眼目睹白人男子對李維惡語相向的情形,也確實聽到空乘讓李維冷靜,不然可能讓她下飛機的話。吳小姐稱,她和朋友就坐在李維身後靠右的位置,當時情況「挺可怕的」。李維稱,那名白人男子自稱患有精神病,她曾在入境時向浦東機場邊檢站舉報該男子精神有問題,有暴力傾向並威脅他人,疑似攜帶違禁藥品,要求邊檢幫助檢查。然而邊檢方面給出的回應卻是「只要外國人有護照和簽證,他們就管不了」。李維認為,邊檢方面的回復是「冠冕堂皇的推卸責任」。說起飛機上那名自稱患有精神病的白人男子,目擊者吳小姐表示「看起來就是一個很兇的普通人」「不像精神病,感覺像藉口」。

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